Q: Are you both happy about the way your parts got more important in the last book?
Bonnie: Yeah I definitely was happy where J.K. Rowling took the character of Ginny. I think if we were all told at the first film where our characters would end up, I don't think any of us would have imagined. It's just really enjoyable and sort of unnerving at the beginning when you do read the last book.
Tom: Seriously. When that came out I was like, I'm not going to read it. I'm going to wait for the script. I don't want to be reading bits in the book and thinking I can't wait to do that and then find out it's not going to be featured. And that lasted about an hour, and within it being released in a day I read the whole thing!
Q: Tom, originally you were auditioning for the role of Harry Potter.
Q: So your blond hair's not really blond?
Tom: Seriously? No, definitely fake. It's a painful routine where every week needs the roots touched up.
Q: What is your natural hair color?
Tom: It's been a while so I couldn't tell you. But I've been told my eyebrows [are the same as my natural hair color]. So I'm looking forward to finding out whatever it is.
Bonnie: Brown.
Q: What's the most amusing thing you've read [in the media] about yourselves?
Tom: I was in Twilight last week. And I'm doing a Burberry campaign next week. So both of those things are untrue as far as I know.
Q: Which of the other actors do you look up to?
Tom: I look up massively to Dan, Rupert and Emma. I think they hold the fort single-handedly so well. They're all superb actors and they carry the feature through beautifully. And they deal with it like it's nothing! I know we're all here quite a bit, but they're here religiously. Endless days, and yet Daniel takes it all in his stride and absolutely loves it. I always admire watching him on set.
Q: How would you describe J.K. Rowling?
Bonnie: I always find it so surreal meeting her. This whole world literally is because of one person.
Tom: She's a very unassuming down-to-earth lady, the most lovely lady. I was always taken away by how genuine she seemed, and how unaffected by the fact that she's probably the world's biggest author.
Q: Do you both have all the Harry Potter movies at home? Do you watch them from time to time?
Bonnie: Yeah, we're always given lots and lots of copies every time they come out.
Tom: Yeah, plenty of DVDs. It's cool. They play it on TV so much, I swear. It's just kind of weird looking back at yourself when you were [high voice] speaking like this [normal voice] and then you were that tall. Bonnie: We should have a little movie marathon.
Tom: Yeah, one day.
Bonnie: Maybe in like twenty years or something.
Tom: Yeah. I've never actually sat down and properly watched them from start to finish. It might be kind of cool one day.

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