The brand new Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince DVD set new sales records as it broke first day sale records when it was released in the UK on December 7th. Released on DVD, Blu-ray, EST (Electronic Sale-Through) and Video on demand, Half-Blood Prince became the fastest selling DVD of 2009 with a whopping 840,000 copies of the sixth Harry Potter film sold. Notably, 53,000 of that number were Blu-ray, making it the biggest first day ever for a family entertainment release on that format. Sales continue to be brisk as the movie is currently number one on iTunes as well. In a press release, John Stanley of Warner Home Video UK said “We’re delighted by the extraordinary first day sales performance of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. By making the biggest movie of the year available on the same day across DVD, Blu-ray, EST and VOD, we are satisfying the needs of today’s consumers and ensuring they see what they want, how, where and when they want it.”
Source: TLC

HBP DVD sets New UK Sales Record!!
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