And the best hotel you’ve stayed in?
Each year when the cast of Harry Potter stay in New York City for press interviews and the premieres, we stay at Essex House, an Art Deco hotel right on Central Park. My room had a great view of it. The first time we stayed there was not long after 9/11, so that was really eerie. The staff get to know us well because of our repeat visits and it’s a good location for sightseeing or shopping – not that our schedules allow for much downtime. For us, the best bit about our room is obviously the minibar.
What do you need for a perfect holiday?
Being ginger and pale-skinned, I don’t really get a tan, so sitting on the beach doesn’t do it for me. I like activity-based holidays where I’m not going to fry, which is why I’ve really got into rally car driving – my brother James is an aspiring driver. I recently went on holiday to Blackpool with Oliver Phelps, who plays one of the Weasley twins. We both play golf – I’ve got a handicap of 13, which is not bad – and there’s a really good golf course in the area. I think it was quite surreal for people to see two Harry Potter actors walking down the promenade – they kept stopping dead in their tracks to do a double take.
What do you always take with you?
I can’t live without my iPhone – it comes everywhere with me. It’s got so many applications on it it practically runs my life. And a couple of my favourite T-shirts. Apart from that, I’m a pretty light traveller.
What’s your best piece of travel advice?
Always check your room thoroughly before you leave. Wherever I go, I always leave something behind. I’ve left suits, phones and even my wallet because I always spread my stuff about. I need someone to do a security sweep after me.
Where do you want to go next?
Thailand would be cool, but I’m not sure how sensible that would be given my hair and skin tone. I’ve not done the United States properly, even though we go there a lot, because we don’t have much free time, so I’d like the chance to wander around, shop and visit the sights without having to constantly check my diary for the day.
What’s the biggest packing mistake you’ve made?
I was recently visiting Paris and went to unload the car, only to picture my haphazardly packed bag still sitting on my bed at home. I’d entirely forgotten to put it in the car. I had to go buy an entire holiday wardrobe, and it wasn’t cheap.
What do you avoid on holiday?
Flash celebrity-type destinations in the sun. I’m not going away to be seen and I’m quite softly spoken and laid-back, so I like to blend in. Being with my friends or my family is the most important thing.
Is there anything you hate about holidays?
Airports because they’re noisy and stressful. Plus it’s like being stuck in a giant fishbowl with no escape as people are always looking at me. Once I’m on the plane, I can relax.
I like this~ very nice interview.

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