Another fun cast interview has surfaced, this time with James and Oliver Phelps on The actors responsible for portraying Fred and George Weasley in the Harry Potter films reminisce about the auditions for their parts, speaking in unison and souvenirs smuggled from the set. Quotage:
Q: In the films you guys speak in unison. Does that ever happen in real life?
James: It kind of came across because of that. In the films that happened because Oliver said something and I just cut him up to carry on pretty much exactly what he was saying. And Alfonso [the director of Prisoner of Azkaban] said, “I like that. Let's put it in.” So he literally got the script, crossed a load out and mixed it all up and it came from there. So I guess we do. I don't know why. Probably been around each other too much.
Q: Have you managed to take any of the props as souvenirs?
Oliver: A few may have found their way into my bag. We were on tour for the Half-Blood Prince and I was going through one airport. I took my laptop out of my bag and I found a puking pastie. And the [security] dude who was working was like, “What's that?” And I was like, “. . . puking pastie?” And he says, “What does that do?” “It makes you sick.” “Why have you got that?” And I said, “You're not gonna believe me if I told you.”
The full text of the interview can be found via this link.
haha! This is funny XD

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