HBP DVD Extra ---- Casts & Characters
HEAR, HEAR, Harry Potter's magic will never cease to amaze the hearts and minds of both young and old one. This series is a true modern classic and has left its mark on the literary world that will stand the test of time.
Hi,I like this article but..last night i went to the midnight premiere of harry potter and the half blood prince! I was honestly so disappointed! was it just me or did it seem very choppy and for some reason didn't feel like it was a harry potter movie. Don't get me wrong some of the parts in it were either really funny or somewhat scary but i really was not satisfied. I don't know, what did you think?? Am i wrong? Give me your opinions..
r4 dsi
I like it. I found it is kinda different from the previous movie but still very potter-ish. I think the script is ok coz u cant possibly expect all the plots from such a thick book go fluently in an abt 2 hrs film.
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