A test screening for the upcoming "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1" film was held today in Chicago. This editor was lucky enough to attend the screening, and got a full preview at the first installment of the final film. A full report on the screening is due shortly, but please enjoy this quick preview rundown for now.
If you are ready, please continue below for full details!
Here we go:
- Some select graphics and CGI enhancements were not fully complete in this screening. Some moments were only rendering.
- Green screens, cranes, and other movie props appeared in places.
- The film contained a temporary soundtrack; the full soundtrack is still being composed and recorded.
- David Barron confirmed that the final split for the film will indeed be when Lord Voldemort takes the Elder Wand from Dumbledore's grave.
- The crew has not yet finalize their choice of composer for the second part of "Deathly Hallows."
- The Seven Potter sequence features Mr. Radcliffe changing, character by character, as the camera pans around the room. He is left in the original clothes of the character, and with their voice.
- The film opens on the Minister of Magic speaking to the press, promising the wizarding public safety and protection of their liberties.
- This leads into the Dursley's leaving their home, and Harry being left in the empty Privet Drive house with Hedwig.
- Hedwig does die, returning to the chase sequence to defend Harry from Voldemort.
- Both Kreacher and Dobby do make an appearance in the film.
- The Death Eater meeting is featured, an unshaven Lucius Malfoy shakes below Voldemort's gaze.
- A series of flashbacks and memories are used to tell both the select back story of the Hallows and Horcruxes. Dumbledore, Slughorn, and more were featured in this telling.
- The Death Eater chase ranges from highway action with other cars, featuring Hagrid and Harry on the motorbike doing a loop around the ceiling of a tunnel.
- Hermione is shown to obliviate her parents, and make out her way out of the house. When she casts the spell, photos on the wall are shown to
- Hermione is tortured by Bellatrix at Malfoy Manor, after they are captured by the Snatchers. Quite graphic and jarring.
- A new stone statue in the Ministry is created, wizards behind held up by a twisted jumble of muggles.
- Madam Maxine is featured at the wedding as well.
- Ron's turn against Harry and Hermione builds throughout the first half, his leaving is very dramatic.
- Ministry of Magic is turned into a propaganda factory, with posters, pamphlets, and other anti-Muggle propaganda.
- Harry and Hermione dance to Nick Cave's "The Children."
- Dobby makes a fun, funny, and heartwarming return. Humorous interaction with Kreacher.
- The Trio are found by the Death Eaters when Xeno says "Voldemort," a tabooed word.
- When Ron is destroying the Horcrux, Harry and Hermione appear as silver porcelain figures, taunting Ron. The engage in a very sensual kiss, which ignites Ron into destroying the Horcrux.
- The memorial to the Potters does not appear when Harry and Hermione go to Godric's Hollow.
- Nagini comes from the mouth of Bagshot. The fight crashes into the children's room of the house next door.
- In the Silver Doe scene, Harry breaks his way though the ice to retrieve the sword. When he gets close, the locket around his neck chokes him and drags him under the ice.
- When Harry opens the locket, a Voldemort Horcrux tornado appears from the locket, speaking to Ron, and unleashing spiders onto the ground before Ron.
- Wormtail lives after Dobby stuns him to free Ron and Harry from the cellar of Malfoy Manor.
- The film ends with Voldemort going to a small island where Dumbledore's tomb is set; he cracks open the white marble, stares into the blank face of Dumbledore, and takes his wand.
The ending is epic!!!

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