Harry Potter author J. K. Rowling just wrapped her two readings at the Annual White House Easter Egg Roll. After reading from the fifth Chapter of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
book, the section where Harry finds his wand at Ollivander's, the author answered a few questions from the audience.
Firstly, in response to a question regarding whether she plans to continue writing, J. K. Rowling responded, "I do and I am... Sometime in the not too distant future I will bring you another book and it will not be Harry Potter." She went on to relate that she is "enjoying taking a break from publishing," and, regarding in earlier question, reiterated prior comments saying she has never ruled out revisiting the Harry Potter series, but she "always planned seven." She also noted that while she is indeed writing again, she is not ready to talk about it just yet.
JKR also commented on the original opening to the first book, which was set to take place with an explosion at Harry's house in Godric's Hollow. Shortly after her original plan included Hermione's father, a next door neighbor of the Potters, running outside to see the baby Harry being taken from the rubble. This would lead to Hermione remembering this event upon meeting Harry many years later.
Responses to additional questions include:
- Her favorite characters from the series, apart from Harry, Ron, Hermione, are Hagrid, Dumbledore, Lupin, and Snape.
- Would not want either Dobby or Winky as House Elves, because the creates are "creepy," and would rather give them clothes and set them free.
- Says she has tweeted twice in her life, and plans to make tweets about "every six months saying 'I'm still writing.'"
- Her favorite Harry Potter book is Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
- Spoke about coming up with the idea for Harry Potter, noting that she was looking at cows out a train window and thought, "Boy who doesn't know he's a wizard goes to a wizarding school."
- The next character which she thought of, after Harry, was Hermione.
- Her favorite subject to write about in the Harry Potter books was charms. Referenced This is Spinal Tap's revolving drummer as one reason behind having a new DADA teach each year.
- Made comments on the false rumors behind her inspiration for the name Harry Potter. Was not based on a childhood friend, and used this question as a "life lesson" to the young audience members, saying "You can never believe everything you read in the papers."
fr TLC
Can’t wait to read whatever she writes next!

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