♥Edward: Which is more important to you? Your life or mine?
♥Bella: My life.
♥Edward: Which would you care more about? My happiness or yours?
♥Bella: Mine.
♥Edward: Would you forgive me if I apologized after making a mistake that hurted you?
♥Bella: No.
Edward: How if I promised you will have me forever? Would you accept my apology?
Bella: No.
Edward was numbed. But, Bella was so calm. Their eyes fixed to each other following by a long pause. Finally, she broke the silence and said steadily:
♥The reason I choose my life is because I know you would be lifeless without mine.
♥The reason I care more about my happiness is because your happiness is the definition of mine.
♥The reason I wouldn't forgive you even if you apologized for hurting me is because I wouldn't blame you and it would only make me feel guiltier if you felt sorry for me.
♥The reason I wouldn't accept your apology if you promised I would have you forever is because you are more than I deserved.♥
-life, love, twilight 4ever-
~BE~ The Reason (I) : http://lilylunapotter.blogspot.com/2008_11_01_archive.html

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